The Opoutere School Adventure Race is an annual feature on the school calendar.
During term 3 students are divided into teams and train for the race by learning
navigation, teamwork, mountain biking and trekking skills.
Other schools from the Waikato region are invited to come and take part in the race
and it is growing each year we have it. ​

Race Entry
This year we are fortunate enough to have funding from Tu Manawa to subsidise the entry fee. Please note this is only for this year 2024.
Entries are done on a google form (1 per team).
Entry Fees
$10 per student
No entries will be received after Tuesday 10 September
Pay online: 06-0705-0529844-00 - ANZ - Whangamata Events Ltd.
Reference: SCHOOL NAME. Or if paying for an individual team TEAM NAME.
If possible please make one payment per school.

Race Info
Adventure Racing
Adventure Racing is an exciting & challenging team sport. It involves navigating to collect checkpoints marked on a map. The course will take teams on an exciting adventure through native bush, forestry and/or farmland. The course will be kept secret until the day of the race and you will receive maps before race start that show your where to go.
Adventure Racing is part of the curriculum at Opoutere School and all students from year 5 - 8 will be competing in the race.
Students from other schools, and adventure racers are all invited to take part in the event and compete along side Opoutere.
Adventure Racing traditionally involves trekking, mountain biking and kayaking. For ease of logistics and safety this event is trekking only. This makes it easier for schools to travel and organise teams because you don’t have to bring bikes & kayaks. However to keep the Adventure Racing theme there will be mystery activities based around mountain biking and kayaking.
Trekking – the trekking will be a mixture of trails, roads, bush, open land and/or streams.
Navigation – you will be given orienteering maps with the checkpoints marked on them. The scale will be between 1:7500 and 1:15000.
Mystery activities – these are fun activities to complete during the race for extra points. They will be revealed on the day.
This race is designed for school students and is catered to all abilities. Teams can choose how far and fast they wish to go. Teams can take breaks for food and water as they see fit. Yr 5/6 teams will race for two hours. Yr 7 - 13 will race for 3hrs.
If you have any questions please get in touch, we will be happy to help. See below for contact details.
You can enter in the following categories:
High School - year 9/10 and year 11-13 categories.
Primary School - year 5/6 (2hr race) and year 7/8 categories.
Mixed / Boys / Girls - Adventure Racing is traditionally a mixed sport, however you can enter as all boys or all girls too.
Trophy - The trophy category is year 7/8 mixed. The top year 7/8 mixed team will be crowned champions of the ÅŒpoutere School Adventure Race and be awarded the prestigious Rangipo Trophy.

The location will be in the ÅŒpoutere area, the specific location will be announced two weeks before the race. There will be one location for the rego, start, finish and prize giving. So once you have arrived no driving is required.
Program – Tuesday 24th September
9:45 - Rego opens (once you register you will get the race maps)
10:30 - Race briefing (everyone must attend)
11:00 - Race start
2:00 - Race finish & BBQ
2:30 - Prize giving
Food and drink will be available at the race. Make sure you have some cash to purchase.
Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions about the event.
Event Manager - Ryan Thompson – ryan@whangamataevents.co.nz - 027 428 7258
Opoutere School - 07 865 9077
Gear List
This gear is for the teams’ safety so you must have all of it. There will be a gear check at registration.
INDIVIDUAL (must be carried by each person)
Thermal top (polypro or fleece)
Warm polarfleece or woolen top (must be long sleeved)
Waterproof jacket
Cycle helmet
Mountain Bike (brakes must work well, wheels safe, tyres in good condition)
Running shoes
Food & water
First Aid kit
Minimum: triangular bandage, crepe bandage, strapping tape, scissors, antihistamine, gauze bandage
Topo Maps- Provided
Cell Phone (Fully Charged)
Pencils, pens and highlighters (for marking maps) & map bags
In the case of extreme weather or force majeure the event may be cancelled. In this situation entry fees are non-refundable, although we will do our best to reschedule the event. No refund will be given if you choose to pull out.
Postponement day is Friday 18th October.