Opoutere School is a full primary, year 1-8, located at the base of the Coromandel Peninsula, just north of Whangamata. The location of the school is outstanding, nestled between native bush, streams, farmland and the pristine Wharekawa Harbour.
The original school was built in 1953 and now comprises of six classrooms. The school has been remodelled. A new hall/library was added in 2002. Large playing fields, two adventure playgrounds and a turfed court add to the amenities. Construction of a new swimming pool complex was completed in 2003. Three brand new classrooms make up the Junior area and were completed in 2014.
The school is currently rated Decile 4. Children come to the school from Opoutere, Onemana and Whangamata, most by bus.
Opoutere School is a small school with a family atmosphere. The school curriculum utilises the local environment with a strong focus on outdoor education and environmental education. The school was awarded the Enviro School green gold award in 2016. The school curriculum was nationally recognised after becoming finalists in the 2019 Prime Ministers Award for Teaching and Learning.
The outdoor and environmental focus complements a stong literacy and numeracy program and provides students' with a real life, meaningful context to learn in.
Arts and culture and taught effectively through our weekly ACE clubs (Art, Culture & Environment). Kapa Haka is a feature of the school.
We have a supportive, caring and passionate staff who believe in firm, fair discipline. The playground is well supervised with staff ensuring that the playground is a safe environment.
For Self, Environment and Opportunities
Underpinning our school mission statement are our core beliefs:
Pride in self. Pride in my whanau. Pride in my Kura.
Developing relationships, making connections and creating partnerships.
Respect for people and the environment.
Reaching new height and being the best we can.

Jessie Keenan
School Kuia

Carlie Fitness

Sue Jamieson

Jess Matetaka
Office Administrator

Stephanie Noa
Office, Finance & Kapa Haka Tutor
Junior Wairepo
School Kaumatua

Kurt Jacobs

Rachel Gordon
Teacher's Aide

Kevin Te Huia
Teacher's Aide

Jodi Miller
Teacher's Aide

Candy Harris
Library Volunteer

Turia Carr
Teacher's Aide