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At Opoutere School we believe in the potential of every child and we work hard to provide the provide a curriculum that engages students and maximises their learning.


Personalised Learning

Our aim is to develop personalised learning pathways that best impact student potential, achievement and learning experiences. 

At Opoutere School we know that your child is unique and learns in different ways. 

Personalising learning means that your child:

  • Understands how they learn.

  • Owns and drives their learning.

  • Are co-designers of the curriculum and their learning environment.

Literacy and Numeracy play a critical role in unlocking the potential in each child’s learning process and are always at the forefront of our teaching and learning. In all classes you will see students working in small groups with their teacher while the larger group of students work on developing skills that will enable them to learn without the direct support from their teacher. You will see flexible learning spaces co-designed by the students and teachers to support the many facets of learning. You might see groups of students collaborating on a project or individuals conferencing one to one with their teacher. You might see and hear the Kapa Haka practising in the school hall or students working in our vege gardens and feeding the chickens. You could possibly see students making their way into the surrounding native bush for Adventure learning. Personalising learning at Opoutere School challenges us to use resources not usually utilized, like our surrounding native bush and harbour, to support every child’s learning. Opoutere School is an exciting place to learn and excel.

Inquiry Learning

At Opoutere School learning through Inquiry ensures deep meaningful learning through ownership, relevance and personal purpose. Inquiry in the junior rooms is at an emergent level which can range from exploration and play-based learning, to inquiry projects guided by the teacher. It follows an overriding theme or scenario that much of the learning is guided by or related to. 
In the senior school hub students are encouraged to use a process of inquiry within their topic work where they: 
●    Explore and investigate. 
●    Pose questions. 
●    Find answers.
●    Share, present and show findings. 

Some may choose to actively make a difference or to create an outcome from the topic work undertaken. There is some flexibility in thematic based inquiry where students can take ownership of their work and the direction that it takes. It is multi curricular often drawing on the different aspects of our National Curriculum. Everything from literacy, social sciences, science, maths, PE and the arts can intertwine throughout the learning that takes place under a thematic approach.


Passion Projects

To fulfill our vision and give life to our RESPECT values at Opoutere School senior school students engage in an Ignite project.  This is the students chance to follow and explore their passions in an authentic project that makes a positive contribution to our community. Students follow a structured process of:

●    PITCH
●    PLAN

Adventure Learning

Adventure learning at Opoutere School is a significant and unique component that differentiates our school from other mainstream educational establishments in New Zealand.


Our vision is "Character development through adventure based learning".

The following core values are the basis for the Adventure Learning curriculum.   

Adventure / Environment / Leadership / Service / Excellence / Tikanga & Te Reo

The Opoutere School Adventure Learning programme will use specific content outlined in the curriculum to challenge each student in a way that will lead to increased self-awareness and equip each student with the ability to lead a more engaging and rewarding life.


Te Kapa Haka o Te Kura Opoutere

“The fundamental purpose of Kapa Haka has always been to assist Māori students to strengthen their links with iwi, hapu and whänau, while growing in the knowledge of Māoritanga. Kapa Haka allows Māori students to reveal the potential of self, culture and identity through the art of performing.” (Kaiwai, 2001) ​ At Opoutere School, Kapa Haka is a valued and important aspect of our curriculum. We believe Kapa Haka improves students’ general attitude towards school.  It encourages parent participation, which flows on to other aspects of school life.  Kapa Haka gives our students a sense of pride while offering opportunities for collaborative and group learning.  Kapa Haka is a unique medium for learning, building our school community and developing relationships between students, teachers and whanau.    We have two Kapa Haka roopu at Opoutere School.   Tane Mahuta are students who are confident and disciplined, and show a passion for learning about Te Reo Maori and Maori culture through the genres of song, dance and performance.  Students in Tane Mahuta range in ages 6 - 13 years old.   Puawai are students growing and developing their confidence and understanding of Kapahaka. Students in Puawai are junior students aged 5 and 6. ​ Through the teachings of Kapa Haka at Opoutere School we aim to grow in our tamariki:  ​

  • Pride in Personal Identity.

  • Pride in Opoutere School.

  • Pride in Maori Culture.

  • ​ Tutors and students strive to: ​
  • Reach a high standard of performance

  • Develop students’ confidence

  • Build a sense of belonging and whanau   

  • Develop personal discipline

  • Nurture a passion for Maori culture

  • Perform in our local community

  • Compete at Hauraki Festival in October

  • Perform at Coromandel Cultural festival in November

  • Showcase

    At the end of every term every class holds a Showcase. This is an opportunity for your child to showcase to you their learning from that term.

    A Showcase is a time to celebrate, question, reflect and learn more about your child’s successes and next steps in learning.

    Here is what our students think of Showcase:


    “I showed them all of my information in my goals and what my standards

       are as a Teina learner.”


    “In my next Showcase I want to improve on my speaking and to be more fluent with what I say to my mum.”


    “I love showcasing, and I can’t wait for the next one!”


    “I felt nervous but when I did it, it was fun showing my parents the work I’ve done.  I think they were proud.”


    “My Showcase last night went great, I loved it a tonne better than student conferences because you can show your learning to your parents instead of your teacher telling my parents my learning.”


    “My learning is better doing Showcase.”

    ©2020 by Opoutere School.

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